Study Modes

University terminology - Study

University terminology

Get up to speed with our university-related vocabulary list. It is university speak explained – in simple words.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Admission pathway: any available option that helps you meet the entry requirements of your course.

Adjustment factors: extra points we can use in combination with your ATAR to work out your selection rank. They can include: adjustments made on the basis of your sporting or artistic prowess, any disadvantages you've been through, your location, and your performance in particular Year 12 subjects related to your course. The total amount of adjustments you're eligible for is called your maximum adjustment.

Advanced standing: what the Australian Qualifications Framework calls credit for previous study or work experience. We call it recognition of prior learning.

Applicant and prospective student: we use 'applicant' and 'prospective student' to describe you at the different stages of your application process. You're considered an applicant if you've lodged your application to study a course. You're considered a prospective student if you're thinking about lodging your application but haven't done so yet.

Alumni: an association for students who have graduated.

Articulation: articulated courses are a set of courses where the subjects studied at each level are credited towards the next level of qualification. For example, an associate degree can articulate into a bachelor's degree. This means that on completion of your associate degree you can move in to the bachelor's, and get credit for the all subjects you studied in the associate degree.

Associate degree: an undergraduate course that's usually completed in two years of full-time study (or equivalent). An associate degree is often articulated with a bachelor's degree.

ATAR: Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank. The ATAR is a measure of your achievement in the HSC or VCE. It's a major factor in ranking applicants for selection to a university course.

Award: the classification of your degree when you have completed your course. You are 'awarded' your degree when you graduate.


Bachelor's degree: an undergraduate course that typically takes three to four years of full-time study (or equivalent) to complete.

Bridging course: a course which helps you get up to speed in a core component of a university course that you've never studied before.  It 'bridges the gap' in your knowledge to help you gain admission.

Brightspace: Charles Sturt University's new online learning environment.


Campus: the grounds of the university. Charles Sturt has six main campuses, and several other locations you can study at.

Census date: the date when the university finalises your enrolment in a subject. The important thing to remember is that if you withdraw from a subject after the census date, you will still have to pay the fees for it.

Commonwealth supported place (CSP): a place at a university or higher education provider where the government pays part of your course fees.

Core subjects: the subjects in a course that you must complete.

Course coordinator: an academic staff member responsible for administrative matters relating to a course.

CRICOS code: the registration number given to a course by the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.

Credit: you can receive credit for recognition of prior learning. If you've already studied similar subjects at university or TAFE, or have relevant work experience, this can be 'credited' towards your course, meaning you can complete it quicker.

Credit transfer: providing credit towards a course if you have completed subjects or courses at another institution that are equivalent to those in the course you are applying for.


Dean: the academic staff member who manages a faculty.

Defer: to delay starting your course. If you've accepted an offer, you're guaranteed a place, but you can push the start date back by six or 12 months.

Direct application: when you apply directly to the university, rather than through a tertiary admission centre.

Distance education: a mode of study allowing you to complete your course anywhere that's not a university campus. We call it online learning.

Double degree: a course where you combine two subject areas and graduate with two degrees, usually after four years of study.


Early offer: where we make an offer to study a course to a high school student before the release of the ATARs (or equivalent). These offers are generally conditional on other requirements being met, such as achieving a specified ATAR.

Elective: an optional subject in addition to the core subjects of your course.

Enabling course: a course designed to give you the skills you need to successfully transition to tertiary education; for example, study techniques or English language skills.

Experience based entry scheme: a selection method we use to assess students who may not have educational qualifications sufficient for an offer to study a course, but who have relevant work and life skills and experience.


Faculty: a university department devoted to a particular area of study. At Charles Sturt University we have three: Faculty of Arts and Education; Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences; Faculty of Science.

Full-time student: a student enrolled in subjects that amount to 75 per cent or more of the normal full-time study load for two sessions per year. A normal full-time study load is four eight-point subjects per session.


GPA: we calculate your Grade Point Average (GPA) from the results of each subject you complete.

Graduand: a person who has completed their course, but has not yet graduated.

Graduate certificate: a postgraduate study course that normally consists of one year of part-time study. You can often study one in an area unrelated to your bachelor's.

Graduate diploma: a postgraduate study course that normally consists of two years of part-time study. You can often study one in an area unrelated to your bachelor's.


HECS-HELP: a loan scheme that helps eligible Commonwealth supported students pay their student contribution. You pay the loan back after you are earning above a particular salary level.

Higher Degree by Coursework: a form of postgraduate study that enables you to combine course work with a dissertation or thesis.

Higher Degree by Research: a form of postgraduate study that enables you to spend two-thirds or more of your time on original research, adding new knowledge to your field.

Honours: A year of study that builds on a bachelor's degree and allows you to focus on an area of interest, typically producing a related thesis or project. Some honours years are integrated into your bachelor's, offering a pass stream or honours stream in the final year of the course. Others are standalone and you apply for them separately.


Intake: the month in which a course starts for new students.

Intensive school: a period of one or two weeks when online students come on campus to complete units or assessment tasks for a subject. These may be compulsory or optional.

Interact2: Charles Sturt University's online learning environment.

International student: someone who does not have Australian or New Zealand citizenship, or permanent residency status in Australia.

Internship/practicum: practical training in a real working environment. It's similar to work experience.


Lecture: a teaching session for a large group of students, involving an academic presenting information.


Major study: grouping of eight subjects within a course, focused on a particular field. More than one major may be allowed in a course.

Minor study: grouping of between four and seven subjects within a course, focused on a particular field.


Offer round(s): the dates on which offers of course places are issued to applicants throughout the year – whether through a tertiary admission centre or directly by a higher education provider.

Online learning: a mode of study allowing you to complete your course from home or your workplace. Also known as distance education.


Part-time student: someone enrolled in subjects which amount to less than 75 per cent of the normal full-time study load for a session. A normal full-time study load is four eight-point subjects per session.

Plagiarism: presenting someone else's ideas, words, concepts or theories as your own.

Postgraduate: a person undertaking a postgraduate study course.

Postgraduate study: an advanced course at university. Includes graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master's and doctorate. Typically, you need to have completed a bachelor's degree before applying for postgraduate study.

Prerequisite: a set of conditions that you need to meet before you can enrol in a particular subject.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL): a process for getting credit towards your course if you've already studied similar subjects at university or TAFE, or have relevant work experience.


School's recommendation: your school’s rating of your aptitudes and abilities in different areas of study.

Selection rank: the ranking universities use to assess admission to a course. A selection rank includes your ATAR plus any adjustments you're eligible for. These could include equity, location or subject adjustments. It can also include portfolio assessments and supplementary test results.

Session: a period of time during which classes are held. Our sessions usually start in March, July and November.

Subject points: a value assigned to a subject to reflect its relative weighting. At Charles Sturt, a standard one-session subject is eight points.


TAC application: an application made through a tertiary admission centre for a particular state. These are QTAC, UAC, VTAC, SATAC, TISC or the University of Tasmania.

Testamur: the certificate we give you when you graduate that testifies you've completed your course.

Tutorial: a teaching session for a small group of students, involving discussion and participation.


UAC: Universities Admissions Centre. Apply via UAC if you're a Year 12 student in NSW or ACT and want to study on campus.

Undergraduate: a person taking an undergraduate study course.

Undergraduate Certificate: an undergraduate qualification equivalent to eight standard subjects, usually completed in a year of full-time study (or equivalent).

Undergraduate study: the entry level of university. Includes associate diploma, diploma, associate degree, bachelor's, bachelor's (honours) and undergraduate certificate courses.


VTAC: Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre. You apply through VTAC if you want to study the Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene) at Holmesglen Chadstone, or you’re a Victorian Year 12 student and want to study on campus at Albury-Wodonga.

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