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Inherent requirements - Study

Inherent requirements

Charles Sturt University strongly supports the right of all people to pursue studies. We embrace diversity and we endeavour to accommodate all students.

Inherent requirements are the academic and other requirements of a course that all students must meet to achieve the course learning outcomes, and the knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities students will need to have in order to achieve them. Reasonable adjustments for a student with a disability cannot remove the need to meet these requirements. (CSU Admissions Policy Section 2, (10)l.) They are underpinned by the ethos, values and graduate learning outcomes of Charles Sturt University.

Students with a disability, long term illness and/or mental health condition may be able to have reasonable adjustments made to enable them to meet inherent requirements.

Charles Sturt University is committed to making reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning, assessment, placement and other activities to enable students to fully participate in their course. Reasonable adjustments must not fundamentally change the nature of the inherent requirement.

Consideration is also given to a student's cultural and religious background/beliefs, which may impact on participation in their course or unit. For further information contact your course director.

Inherent requirements are not the same as compulsory requirements. Inherent requirements are the academic and other requirements that students must have in order to achieve course learning outcomes and are specific to a particular course. Compulsory requirements are broader and are applicable to all students at the University. Compulsory requirements can include both compliance with the University policies, procedures and regulations and the mandatory requirements associated with the course of study e.g. attendance, completion of assignments, police checks, and immunisations.

Inherent requirements ensure the academic integrity of a course is maintained and preserves the university's learning, assessment and accreditation processes. They must be met by all students.

To successfully complete a course at Charles Sturt University, you need to be able to meet all the inherent requirements. If you are applying for a course, you should read the inherent requirements carefully to ensure you are able to meet them. If you have a disability or chronic health condition, contact a Campus Disability Advisor to talk about the adjustments that may be put in place so you can meet the requirements.

Reasonable adjustments

In line with the ethos and values of Charles Sturt University we will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to enable equitable participation in education.

The Disability Discrimination Act [DDA], 1992 as amended in 2009 (Australian Government Comlaw, 2010) provides legal protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability.

The DDA through the Disability Standards for Education 2005 requires institutions to make reasonable adjustments to enable a student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a disability.

Reasonable adjustments are modifications made to the learning environment, teaching delivery or assessment method used to help students with a disability or chronic health condition to access and participate in education on the same basis as those without a disability. Reasonable adjustments facilitate students meeting the inherent requirements of their course of study.

An adjustment is defined as "reasonable" if it balances the interests of all parties affected including not causing "unjustifiable hardship" to the educational institution.

Examples of adjustments include but are not limited to provision of the following:

  • assistive technology
  • furniture
  • extra time in exams
  • note takers

For further information about adjustments, please refer to the Charles Sturt University Support Services.

Inherent requirement statements


To provide clarity and consistency, the Charles Sturt University inherent requirements have been grouped under ten domains. Each domain aligns with at least one of the Charles Sturt University values (Insightful, Inclusive, Impactful and Inspiring) and has an accompanying description. Inherent requirement statements have been produced by disciplines to help you better understand how these domains relate to specific courses.

Verbal communication

Conveying inclusive messages, ideas or feelings through speech.

Non-verbal communication

Communication other than speech that conveys meaning including gestures and facial expressions, body posture, stance, touch, eye movements, eye contact and distance from the person/s with whom you are communicating.

Non-verbal cues can provide easy, warm and welcoming significant additional information to the person with whom you are communicating.

Written communication

Accessible, inclusive communication by written symbols including electronic means, print or handwriting.

Charles Sturt values

  • Inclusive - Stronger together

Acting respectfully and perceptively consistent with the recognised laws and values of society and avoiding activities that do harm.

In the context of inherent requirements, students undertaking a course of study may be governed by practice standards and codes of ethics, as well as legal obligations.

Charles Sturt values

  • Impactful - Outcome driven
  • Insightful - Understanding people and the world

The mental action or process of acquiring rigorous knowledge and understanding through one’s thoughts, experience and senses.

Knowledge and thinking skills

Thinking skills include: verbal and spatial abilities; concentration; memory; perception; reasoning; planning and organisation; flexible innovative thinking and creative problem solving.

Literacy (language)

This relates to the ability to acquire, understand and apply information in a scholarly manner.


This relates to the ability to understand and work with numbers.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Impactful - Outcome driven
  • Inspiring - Leading for the future

Actively listening to someone express their thoughts, feelings or experiences. Showing understanding by consciously responding through skills such as paraphrasing, summarising or mirroring, and using reflective insight to seek and respond to feedback.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Insightful - Understanding people and the world

Personal skills required to interact appropriately with others with the aim of building and maintaining healthy, productive relationships. Skills include empathy, trustworthiness, patience, active listening, approachability and reliability.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Insightful - Understanding people and the world
  • Inclusive - Stronger together

The way a person recognises external stimuli - through sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Inclusive - Stronger together

Gross motor skills

The use of large muscle groups that coordinate body movements for activities such as walking, lifting, pushing, pulling and maintaining balance.

Fine motor skills

The ability to undertake precise coordinated movements of the hands for activities such as writing and manipulating small objects.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Impactful - Outcome driven

The ability to undertake a task/s in an appropriate way according to professional standards over a pre-determined period of time. This could include physical performance such as standing for a period of time, or thinking (mental) performance such as concentrating for a particular length of time.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Impactful - Outcome driven

Having the skills needed to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Inspiring - Leading for the future

The ability to understand and effectively apply various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Financial literacy helps individuals become self-sufficient so that they can achieve financial stability.

Charles Sturt Values

  • Impactful - Outcome driven


Compiled from inherent requirements at Western Sydney University .

*Developed from: Johnson, A., Allan,T., Phillips,K., Azzopardi,T., Dickson,C., Goldsmith,M & Hengstberger-Sims, C. (2011). Inherent Requirements of Nursing Education (IRONE), Western Sydney University School of Nursing & Midwifery and Student Equity & Disability Services

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