Current advances in technologies are changing when, where, and how we work, and the evolution of employee mindsets and attitudes toward work, has motivated organisations to re-evaluate their practices, processes, and priorities. Employees across all sectors are increasingly seeking work they find meaningful, and value working in organisations that can provide continuous upskilling, healthy workplace environments, organisational transparency, opportunities for growth and development, and a willingness to adopt and implement new technologies. In turn, employers have increased their focus on promoting employee engagement, wellness and productivity, and the ways in which leadership and workplace practices can be improved to enhance the wellbeing of their workforce and facilitate positive employee experiences at work. Consistent with this trend, NSWPF is committed to improving the well-being, engagement, and productivity of their workforce.
NSWPF is particularly interested in research into:
7.1 How to best evaluate the impact and efficacy of current learning and development programs delivered by NSWPF?
7.2 What are the most successful external methods of conducting employee development and performance reviews? Should current NSWPF practices be replaced with a more dynamic process that better reflects the needs and priorities of both the modern police force and their workforce? For example, would it be beneficial to align employee career development and performance reviews with the employee feedback provided in the PMES?
7.3 Cost benefit analysis – A financial comparison and forecasted expenditure between the cost of 1) paying out an officer his/her sick leave (or a portion of e.g., 25-100%) as a lump sum at the end of their career as an incentive to remain in the workplace until retirement age, versus 2) financially supporting officers long term whilst they exhaust all of their sick leave/benefits prior exiting the organisation.
7.4 Research on how organisations such as NSWPF could improve corporate governance and decision making across extremely diverse workstyles from operational policing to corporate services utilising more modern work practices such as agile ways of working or line of business models.