NSW Police Force provides most policing services free of charge to the general community but there are times when some services go beyond these responsibilities and clients are charged fees for the benefit of the services or goods provided.

These services in turn help our clients meet their business needs and their responsibilities to the community. Recovering this cost from clients makes more police available for duty and helps ensure that normal policing services to the community can also be maintained.

Cost recovery services provided by police include policing services at special events; transport escorts; control of traffic for film and television shoots; and a wide variety of information services.

A comprehensive list of services provided under cost recovery arrangements and conditions of service delivery are available in the NSW Police Force Cost Recovery and User Charges Policy (PDF).

A fee review is effective for many services provided by the NSWPF from the 1st July 2024.

Prior to any service provision, clients are required to complete the following form(s):

Clients are advised to contact their local police station to discuss their police service requirements prior to sending the above form(s) to the Local Area Command for consideration. Your Local Area Command will than liaise with you to successfully provide the police services required for your business and community needs.