The NSW Police Force does not maintain the victims registers. However, police should inform victims about the existence of victims registers. The victims registers contain information about adult offenders, young offenders and forensic patients who have been found guilty of a crime, sentenced and currently in custody or if they were found not guilty by reason of mental illness or unfit at a special hearing and received a limiting term.

As part of the Charter of Victims Rights, victims have the right to:

Right 15: Information about impending release, escape or eligibility for absence from custody

“A victim will, on request, be kept informed of the offender’s impending release or escape from custody or of any change in security classification that result in the offender being eligible for unescorted absence from custody.”

Right 16: Submissions on parole and eligibility for absence from custody of serious offenders

“A victim will, on request, be provided with the opportunity to make submissions concerning the granting of parole to a serious offender or any change in security classification that would result in a serious offender being eligible for unescorted absence from custody.”

A newly revised Charter of Victims Rights - Part 6A of the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013 No 37 explicitly applies to victims of forensic patients.

Victims of crime may be able to be listed on a victims register to receive information about an offender who is an adult or a young person in custody, or who is a forensic patient. There are 3 victims registers in NSW. They are:

  1. For Victims of Adult Offenders

    The Victims Support Unit (VSU) is the primary point of contact for victims of offenders supervised by Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW). The unit maintains the Victims Register and keeps registered victims of sentenced offenders in NSW, informed of:

    • impending release. change in classification, escape, death or eligibility for absence from custody of an offender.
    • assists registered victims to make submissions on parole and eligibility for absence from custody of serious offenders.

    To be eligible to join the register, the person must be a victim of the sentenced offender or a family representative of a victim who is deceased, incapacitated or under the age of 18.

    For further information or to formally register on the Victims Register for adult offenders please contact:
    Victims Register
    Locked Bag 5111
    T: 02 8688 0555
    Please visit

  2. For Victims of Juvenile Offenders

    The Juvenile Justice Victims Register Officer is the primary point of contact for victims of juvenile offenders supervised by Youh Justice NSW.

    For further information or to formally register on the Victims Register for juvenile offenders please contact:
    Youth Justice Victims Register
    Strategy and Engagement Directorate
    Youth Justice NSW
    PO Box 368
    T: 02 8688 9139

  3. For Victims of Forensic Patients

    Victims Services administers the Register for victims of forensic patients. If you are on the Register, you can be notified of certain changes concerning a forensic patient.

    Phone Victims Access Line 1800 633 063 or Aboriginal Contact Line 1800 019 123