The following agencies and surveys produce some of the data that informs the NSW Police Force response to drugs:
- The Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) monitors the price, purity, availability and patterns of use of illicit drugs such as heroin, methylamphetamine, cocaine and pharmaceutical opioids among urban samples of people who use drugs nationally.
- The Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) monitors the price, purity, availability and patterns of use of illicit drugs such as ecstasy, methylamphetamine, cocaine, ketamine, GHB, LSD and NPS among people who regularly use ecstasy (MDMA).
- The Australian School Students Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) survey provides information on the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal and legal drugs amongst 12 to 17 year olds, and their attitudes toward these substances.
- Australian Crime Commission (ACC) Illicit Drug Data Reports provide annual statistical overviews of illicit drug arrests and seizures as well as profiling the current situation, national impact and the emerging illicit drug trends and threats. The ACC also publishes annual Organised Crime in Australia assessments.
- The Australian Institute of Criminology undertakes research on a range of issues including links between drug use and criminal activity and patterns of drug use amongst police detainees.
- The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) is the official source of NSW crime information. BOCSAR uses NSW Police Force data and data from other sources.
- The National Drug Research Institute and the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (and its associated Drug Policy Modelling Program) undertake a range of research projects that aim to improve Australia’s evidence base and policy direction.
- The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) NSW
- Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre (DAMEC)
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- Your Room – provides drug and alcohol information and advice, campaigns and resources.