The Security Licensing & Enforcement Directorate (SLED) Advisory Council was established to create a forum for the regular exchange of information and ideas between the security industry and the NSW Police Force on issues relevant to the regulation of the industry.

Since November 2012, the Council has worked to identify and discuss opportunities to:

  • improve industry compliance with legislative requirements
  • address barriers that hinder industry efforts to improve competence and compliance levels
  • collaborate on initiatives and campaigns targeting, or relating to various industry sectors
  • share feedback about SLED and industry activities.

Industry representatives nominate to be on the council and are elected by the outgoing industry representatives. They serve a two-year membership term and are not eligible for consecutive terms as Council members.

Meetings are held four times a year in February, May, August and November at 2 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park. See more information in the SLED Advisory Council Information Sheet (PDF).

Issue papers on relevant matters may be tabled by Council members and other industry representatives for consideration at Council meetings as agenda items. Papers should be emailed to the Secretariat ( at least 10 working days prior to the meeting. Please note that papers may be modified by the Secretariat if necessary for clarity and succinctness. Click here for the agenda paper template (Word document).

Council Membership

  • Chairperson - Director, SLED
  • Assistant Director (Industry Regulation), SLED
  • Assistant Director (Determinations), SLED
  • Assistant Director (Service Delivery), SLED
  • Director, Legislation & Policy Branch, Office of the Commissioner
  • Maximum 10 industry representatives, selected through an expression of interest process, representing the diversity of the industry.

How are industry representatives selected?

Industry representatives nominate to be on the council and are elected by the outgoing industry representatives.

The election of industry representatives for SLED Advisory Council membership is based on the following criteria:

  • the nominee’s relevant expertise and experience
  • the nominee’s active participation in, and commitment to, the security industry
  • the nominee’s willingness to seek and represent the views of other industry participants
  • how the nominee has demonstrated their personal commitment to compliance with legislative requirements
  • the nominee’s willingness and ability to attend Council meetings
  • any other relevant skills, qualities and/or qualifications they possess.

Gender equity and member diversity will be taken into account in keeping with the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Appointment Standards Boards and Committees in the NSW Public Sector July 2013. This document is available at

Current industry representatives

  • Paul Ajnas - National Manager, Building Services, GPT Group
  • Ray Andraos - Head of Security, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
  • Shane Brady - Associate Director, Strategic Security, Premier's Department
  • Bryan de Caires - CEO, ASIAL
  • John Mannering - Regional Director - NSW/ACT, MLAA
  • Sonya Pritchard - CEO, Precision Training Academy
  • Margo Reid - Associate Director, Safety and Security Risk, Ministry of Health
  • Glenn Robertson - State Operations Manager - NSW, MSS Security
  • Bridie Thomas - Vice President - Protective Services, Certis Australia
  • Christine Thornton - General Manager NSW, Wilson Security

Contact the SLED Advisory Council

The Secretariat - SLED Advisory Council

Locked Bag 5099
Parramatta NSW 2150


Phone: 1300 362 001