
To deliver professional, responsive, and meaningful customer service across all areas of the NSW Police Force.

Our commitment is to ensure that the NSW Police Force:

  • Provides its customers quality service on each interaction.
  • Provides service delivery that is aligned to the six core NSW Government Customer Commitments.
  • Acts with empathy and compassion, treating our vulnerable customers with respect and fairness.
  • Establishes clear communication channels that provide instruction during a customer’s engagement with the NSW Police Force.
  • Aims to increase public confidence through effective and efficient service delivery to all people and communities.
  • Meets commitments arising from the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013, Charter of Victims Rights and the NSW Police Force Victims of Crime Policy Statement.
  • Continually assesses service delivery and levels of customer satisfaction.

NSW Police Customers

The NSW Police Force has a diverse range of customers that engage the police for many different reasons. The following groups are considered customers of the NSW Police Force: victims, witnesses, the community, internal and external colleagues, other NSW Government agencies, non-government organisations, suppliers, and vendors.

Arrested persons and suspects for crime are exempt and will be dealt with in accordance with the law.


  • Senior Executive – endorse the NSW Police Force Customer Service Policy Statement and promote a customer centric culture.
  • Corporate Sponsor – direct and lead the implementation of internal controls including policy and procedures aligned to the NSW Police Force Customer Service Policy Statement to focus on advancing a customer centric culture.
  • Region Sponsor – advocate and deliver the principals underpinning the NSW Police Force Customer Service Policy Statement and provide advice to the Corporate Sponsor.
  • Commanders/Managers – communicate the NSW Police Force Customer Service Policy Statement and promote a customer centric culture at the local level.
  • All staff - know and comply with the NSW Police Force Customer Service Policy Statement; undertake actions associated with the broader NSW Government customer commitments and internal policy and rules.

Anthony Cooke APM
Corporate Sponsor
January 2024